Electric roller mill 1240
The Wakely 1240 Electric roller mill is the high capacity mill for industrial milling. This grain mill is ideal for feed compounders who need a reliable, efficient, low maintenance mill. The quality components we use allow the feed compounder to roll thousands of tonnes of grain without rest.
Industrial milling is a continuous process, the 1240 Grain mill design allows for maintenance to be completed in the shortest possible time significantly reducing downtime.
All combinable grains beans peas maize oats barley etc are easily processed with our fluted solid chilled rolls guarantee long service.
The entire ramp up and ramp down of the milling system can be automated with Wakely control panel. A new feature allows the mills rolls being adjusted for different grains from the control room.
Wakely grain mills guarantee that Livestock will receive maximum nutritional value from the feed, with minimal input.

Great design
Great design
All Wakely mills are designed to deliver premium samples, minimal operator input, reduced power requirements and ensure every grain is processed. Our experience in delivering milling equipment for 40 years to the farmer, contractor & feed compounder allows piece of mind for our customers.

Long life span
Long life span
All components used in Wakely mills are of the highest quality, we only use fluted solid chilled rolls, which resists all type of wear. These mills have minimal metal to metal contact significantly reducing the heat created and general wear.

Less power used
Less power used
Wakely mills use less power per tonne rolled for several reasons. Our fluted rolls grip every grain and draws it in immediately. Wakely rolls maintains a constant gap, energy is not wasted driving rolls that are in contact.

Operator controls
Great operator controls
Wakely mills reduce the burden on the operator. All key tasks such as sample adjustment, trash removal, grain flow adjustment and more are achieved using one touch operator controls.

Rubber grain
Rubber grain
Moist grain at 18 -20% moisture flows poorly. Non fluted rolls have great difficulty in drawing this grain into the nip point. Wakely rolls are fully fluted, fluting acts as a clamp drawing in the grain, eliminating grain bridging again maximising the machines potential.

Preservative dosing
Preservative dosing
The integrated applicators allow for easy preservation using all types of preservatives alkaline & acidic in convenient applicators, which allow for precise dosage of liquid and granular preservatives ensures your grain is preserved, greatly reducing grain heating and spoilage.

Multiple handling
Multiple handling
Multiple handling of minerals, protein, preservatives or grain is a waste of valuable time and effort. All Wakely mills allow for a one pass operation completing the job in less time.
Output 19 Tonnes Dry rolling 15% Moisture producing a broken sample.
Output 14 Tonnes Flat rolling 20% Moisture, producing a flat rolled sample.
No Roll to Roll contact.
1240*400mm High quality precision balanced Solid Chilled Rollers. 50-53 HRC.
Double row spherical bearings, Housed in Heavy duty plummer block on roll shaft.
Electric drive 2/37kw Motor.
Spring / Hydraulic roll tension
Ready for 250mm Auger.
Centralised greasing.
Sound suppression system
Weight 4200kg L= 2161 * Width=2153 * H= 1420 mm.
Full selection of Hoppers, Augers, Grain cleaners (S005) & associated equipment.
Ideally suited for Rolling Oats, Barley, Wheat, Beans.
One touch operator controls, No tools Spanners involved.
Various Roll flutes available depending on sample required, multi – purpose flutes are available.
Minimum gap of 0.08mm is maintained between rolls.
Convenient access panels located at key areas.
Low noise level roller mill.